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Quick Start Guide⚓︎

1 One-click Deployment⚓︎

  • Support widely used Linux distributions (based on Debian/RedHat, including domestic operation systems)
  • Gentoo / Arch Linux please install via Source code installation
  • If you want to use it in production environment, we recommend deploying it using the Offline installation package for Delpolyment.

// root@localhost:/opt#
$ curl -sSL | bash

---> 100%
<span style="color: green;">[Success]</span>: download install script to /opt/jumpserver-installer-v3.10.5
[Info]: Start executing the installation script.
[Info]: In an automated script deployment, note the message prompts on the screen.
---> 100%
<span style="color: green;">[Success]</span>: The Installation is Complete.

For more commands, you can enter <span style="color: red;">jmsctl --help</span> to view help information.

// root@localhost:/opt#
$ curl -sSL | bash

---> 100%
<span style="color: green;">[Success]</span>: download install script to /opt/jumpserver-installer-v3.10.5
[Info]: Start executing the installation script.
[Info]: In an automated script deployment, note the message prompts on the screen.
---> 100%
<span style="color: green;">[Success]</span>: The Installation is Complete.

For more commands, you can enter <span style="color: red;">jmsctl --help</span> to view help information.


  • After the initial installation, you'll need to modify the configuration file and define the DOMAINS field to enable normal usage.
  • If the server was installed with a one-click installation and the old version of JumpServer already enabled HTTPS, then no further changes are needed.
  • In scenarios where you need to access JumpServer using an IP address, you can fill in the DOMAINS field in the configuration file (config.txt) with either the public IP or the internal IP based on your IP type.
  • How to fill in can refer to the example in the configuration file.
  # Open and edit the configuration file,Fill in the DOMAINS field
  vim /opt/jumpserver/config/config.txt 

  # Trustable DOMAINS Defination,
  # Define trusted access IP. Please modify according to your actual situation. If it is a public IP, please change it to the corresponding public IP.
  # DOMAINS=""    # Access wiht domain name 
  # DOMAINS=""         # Access with IP address
  # DOMAINS=","    # Access with domain name and IP address

After install successfully, you can access JumpServer platform via Web browse

 URL: http://<JumpServer server IP>:<Service port number>
 User: admin
 Passwd: admin

After the first login, it is necessary to modify the user's login information

2 User Management⚓︎

The User Management page primarily deals with the management of users in JumpServer, including the user list, user groups, and role lists in JumpServer.


2.1 User Create⚓︎

Click the button at the user list page and enter the user creation page.


Fill in the user's information in the page and click 'Submit' to apply.


Parameter Description
Name User identification name, can be duplicated.
User Name Login accounts for accessing JumpServer, cannot be duplicated.
Email The email address associated with the login account must be unique.
User Group Users are managed in groups primarily for asset authorization. When a certain asset is authorized for a user group, all users in that group are granted corresponding permissions for that asset.
Password Setting During the user creation process, administrators can either set passwords manually or generate password links to be sent to users via email. Upon successful submission of user information, JumpServer will send an email titled "Set User Password" to the specified user email address.
MFA Multi-factor authentication (MFA) adds an extra layer of security to JumpServer. After enabling MFA, users logging into the system will be required to enter their username and password (first security factor), followed by inputting a dynamic verification code from their MFA device (second security factor). This two-factor authentication significantly enhances the security of user accounts.
User Source Specify the user's source, such as ‘Database’ for manually created users or 'LDAP' for users imported from LDAP.
System Role System roles determine the permissions a user has at the system level (System Administrator, Auditor, User/Other Custom Roles).
Organization role Organization roles determine the permissions a user has at the organization level (Organization Administrator, Auditor, User/Other Custom Roles).
Activation The activation status indicates whether a user is in a normal state and can log in. Users in a non-activated status cannot log in.
Expiration Date The expiration date refers to the last date until which a user can log in. After this time, the user cannot login.
Phone Optional field: Configure the user's mobile phone number, which is used for receiving "MFA" SMS messages.
Description Optional field: The administrator configures the remarks for this user

2.2 User Update⚓︎

When you need to update information for a user, you can click on the button next to the user's name on the "User List" page to update their information. For detailed parameter explanations, you can refer to the detailed instructions for creating users.


2.3 User Import and Export⚓︎

Users can be imported, updated, or exported using supported table formats like xlsx and csv. For the first import, you can click the button to download a template. After filling in the information according to the instructions, you can then import it back into the system.


2 Asset Management⚓︎

2.1 Preparation⚓︎

  • Prepare two test assets and one database to verify functionalities.
Host IP Host Name Port Operation System Admin Account Password test_ssh01 22 Centos 7 root Test2020.L test_rdp01 3389 Windows 10 administrator Test2020.W test_mysql01 3306 MySQL 5 root Test2020.M


  • For Windows assets, if you need to perform automated tasks such as 'updating asset information' or 'conducting connectivity tests', you need to first perform Windows SSH setup,this is not a mandatory step for login windows assets.
  • MySQL application requires authorization for remote access by 'Core' and 'KoKo'. MySQL Required

2.2 Edit Asset Tree⚓︎

-The asset tree is a categorization of asset categories. Each asset can be classified according to different dimensions, and the same asset can have multiple dimensional classifications. For example, assets can be classified by organization, project, protocol, and so on. After categorizing nodes, user permissions can be flexibly allocated to efficiently manage hosts. -The root node of the asset tree cannot have duplicate names. Right-clicking on a node allows you to add, delete, and rename nodes, as well as perform related operations on assets.

  • Click on Assets - Assets at left of page,in root node Default create SSH ServerRDP ServerDatabase via right button。
  • The pattern of the asset tree is as follows:
├─ SSH Server
└─ RDP Server
└─ DB



  • Root Node Default can not be named duplicately,Right-clicking on a node allows to 'add', 'delete', and 'rename' nodes, as well as perform asset-related operations.

2.3 Create asset for host⚓︎

  • Click on Assets - Assets - Host - Create at left of page, anc create a Linux server.
  • The process of creating Windows assets follows the same procedure.
  • The pattern of creating Linux assets is as follows:
Name Host IP Platform Node Protocol Group Account list
test_ssh01 Linux /Default/SSH Server ssh 22 --xxxxxx----


  • The pattern of add assets account is as follows:
Name User Name Privileged User Cipher type Password roo Yes Password Test2020.L



  • The Name field cannot be duplicated. You can use either Password or Key for Cipher type, as some assets may not allow authentication via password and can instead use private key authentication.
  • Privileged Usersupports the SSH protocol only and is used for automated tasks such as Connectivity Testing ,User Push , and batch pssword change.
  • After filling in the asset creation information and saving it, refresh the webpage after a few seconds. The ssh protocol assets will display a Green connectivity icon, and the hardware information will be displayed.
  • If the Connectable icon is yellow or red, you can click on the asset's name, then on the right side, under Quick Edit - Test Connectivity, click the Test button, and handle according to the error prompt.
  • The connected Linux assets require the python component, with a version greater than or equal to 2.6. By default, assets like Ubuntu do not allow remote SSH login for the root user, so please handle it accordingly.
  • For Windows assets, the OpenSSH Server needs to be installed manually。
  • If the asset cannot be connected properly, please check if the username and password of the privileged user are correct, and also verify if this Privileged user can successfully login to the asset host from the JumpServer host using SSH.

2.4 Create application for Database⚓︎

  • Click on Assets - Asset list - Create - Database and select mysql.
  • The pattern of MySQL application is as following:
Name IP address Node Database Protocol Group Account list
test_mysql01 /Default/DB test mysql:3306 add


  • The pattern of add user for logging into Database is as following:
Name User Privileged User Cipher type Password root root Password Test2020.M

asset_add mysqlaccount


  • The fields "Name", "Host", and "Database" options are mandatory.

3 Authorization Management⚓︎

-The authorization rules for assets determine which protocols users can use, which accounts can access which assets

  • Click on Authorization - Create and create an authorization rule.
  • The authorization process for Windows assets and MySQL databases is the same as the following steps.


  • The pattern of create authorization rules for user longin is as following:
Name User User Group Asset Node Account Action
admin_ssh01 Administrator(admin) - test_ssh01( - All acounts all



  • Name,The name of the authorization, it must be unique and cannot be repeated.
  • User and User Group , Choose one of the two options, it is not recommended to select both User and User Group simultaneously.
  • Asset and node Choose one of the two options,Select Node will include all asssts under the node.
  • Account,The Account serves as the authentication Credential for accessing the asset.
  • User(Group)Asset(node) It's a one-to-one relationship, so when you have different types of assets such as Linux and Windows, you should create authorization rules separately for Linux assets and Windows assets.

4 Assets access⚓︎

  • The Web Terminal page is primarily used for asset connections. Clicking the button on the Workspace page or the icon in the upper-right corner will both redirect you to the Web Terminal page, where you can initiate asset access.


  • In 'Web Terminal' user can access the assets that authorized.


- Select protocol and account for connecting.⚓︎



  • Users can only see assets that have been authorized. If you cannot access any assets authorized after login, please contact the system administrator for confirmation.

5 Audit Console⚓︎

The Audit Console is primarily designed for auditors and is divided into two main sections: Sessions Auditing, and Activities Auditing. The sessions section focuses on users' sessions. It is geared towards auditing session logs generated when connecting to JumpServer assets. Activities Auditing primarily deals with the others operation in JumpServer platform, including login logs, operation logs, password change,and jobs log.



  • The initial Audit Console page appears as shown below, allowing users to view detailed logs for the current organization. The Dashboard page provides insights into log counts, session counts, session login trends, user login trends, and more.
  • JumpServer supports exporting the images from the Dashboard page (such as login log distribution, session trends, user login trends, etc.) as pictures for easy saving. Simply right-click on a blank area of the page and select the option.

5.1 Online Users⚓︎

The Online Users page allows you to view information about users currently logged into the JumpServer system (currently only users logged in via the web), and you can also control user logouts from this page.


5.2 Asset Sessions⚓︎

Session auditing refers to the recording of user connections to assets. The session audit module includes online sessions and historical sessions.


5.3 Sessions commands⚓︎

The Command Records section primarily displays the commands executed by the user after connecting to the asset. Clicking on a specific record allows you to view detailed results of the command execution.


5.4 File transfer⚓︎

JumpServer's file transfer feature allows administrators to view the historical records of all files uploaded or downloaded to assets. JumpServer also supports auditing the content of uploaded/downloaded files, and administrators can view the file content in the file transfer section.


5.5 Login logs⚓︎

The term "login logs" refers to the login logs of the JumpServer platform. On this page, users can view detailed information about users logging into JumpServer, including the type of login, login IP, login city, login date, reasons for login failures, and so forth.


5.6 Password Change⚓︎

The "password change logs" refer to the log information regarding password changes made by logged-in users in the JumpServer system.


5.7 Operation logs⚓︎

The term "operation logs" refers to the administrative operation logs of the entire JumpServer platform. On this page, users can view logs of operations, including the user performing the operation, the type of asset involved, and details of the operation.


5.8 Job logs⚓︎

The "Job execution logs" pertain to the log information concerning the execution of tasks in the user's job center within JumpServer.


6 System Settings⚓︎

  • Click on the System Settings in the upper right corner of the page to configure.

6.1 Basic Settings⚓︎

Name Example Note
Current sit URL If not set the mail recieve address is http://ocalhost
URL of User Guide Users will see this hyperlink when they first login, so it is optional to set it
URL Of Forget password With LDAP, OPENID, or other external authentication systems, you can customize it

6.2 Email Settings⚓︎

Name Example note
SMTP Host SMTP server provided by the service provider
SMTP Port 25 Commonnly used is 25
SMTP Account ********** Commonnly used is
SMTP Password **************** Need to input password when execute 'connected testing
SSL [ ] The option must be selected if port 465 in using
TLS [ ] The option must be selected if port 587 in using
Email Sender ******** connect testing must be input
Subject Prefix [JMS] The suject of the Email, recieved email must be start with [JMS]
Reciever testing ********** Must be input when you try connect testing


  • Can not check SSL and TLS simultaneously.

7 General Operations Instruction⚓︎