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Tag list⚓︎

1 Function description⚓︎

  • JumpServer support taging function. Adding tags to assets facilitates querying and management, allowing users to customize various attributes of assets for easy categorization, aggregation, and analysis.

2 Create tag⚓︎

  • Click on Create button at top-left corner of the page of tag management,then enter the page of tag creation。



  • Tag infomation inculdes name and value.
  • The tag name is maybe the description of function,eg. :Purpose.
  • The tag value is maybe the detailed information,eg. organization: 1-Sale Department 2-Research and Development Department.
  • When creating a tag, you can choose to apply this tag to existing assets. Tags' name can be duplicated, and one asset can have multiple tags.
  • When you delete a tag, the tag information on assets will disappear automatically.

3 Query tag information⚓︎

  • In the tag creation page, select multiple assets to bind to the tag.


  • Switch to Asset list page, you can query informations for multiple assets by querying a specific tag.
