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Upgrade instructions⚓︎

There is some different between version v3 and v2,if you need upgrade v2 to v3 Please read this document first

For versions between v2.20 and v2.23, it is necessary to first upgrade to v2.28 before upgrading to v3. Otherwise, there may be issues with asset connections.


In version 3.6, for security reasons, it is required to fill in the DOMAINS with trusted domain in order to access the service normally. Otherwise, it will prompt error codes 400/403, causing inability to access the page. The DOMAINS configuration is as follows:

  • If the server was installed with a one-click installation and the previous version of JumpServer already used HTTPS, it's no changes are required.
  • In scenarios where JumpServer needs to be accessed using the IP address, you can fill in the DOMAINS field in the config.txt configuration file with either the public IP or the internal IP, depending on your IP type.
  # Open the config.txt file and update the DOMAINS field
  vim /opt/jumpserver/config/config.txt 

  # Define the trusted DOMAINS ,
  # Define trusted IPs for access. Please update according to actual situation. If it's a public IP, please change it to the corresponding public IP.
  # DOMAINS=""    # Access JumpServer with Domain name
  # DOMAINS=""         # Access JumpServer with IP address
  # DOMAINS=","    # Access JumpSever using both IP address and Domain name.

  # Restart JumpServer for taking effect.
  jmsctl restart

Before performing upgrade or migration, please make sure to backup your data


  • Ensure to perform backup tasks before updating


Installation Environment description

  • From JumpServer version 2.5, It's required MySQL Server >= 5.7
  • From JumpServer version 2.6, It's required Redis Server >= 6.0
  • It is recommended to use an external DB Server and Redis Server for easier expansion and upgrades in the future

Requirement of external Database

Name Edition
MySQL >= 5.7
MariaDB >= 10.6
Redis >= 6.0