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1 Overall Deployment Instructions⚓︎

Environment Instruction

  • For high availability of components other than JumpServer itself, please refer to the corresponding official documentation for deployment.
  • After deploying according to this method, you only need to scale JumpServer nodes as needed and then add the nodes to HAProxy.
  • If you already have an HLB (Hardware Load Balancer) or SLB (Software Load Balancer), you can skip deploying HAProxy. However, when using a third-party LB (Load Balancer), pay attention to session and websocket issues.
  • If you already have cloud storage (S3/Ceph/Swift/OSS/Azure), you can skip deploying MinIO. The same applies to MySQL and Redis.
  • In a production environment, it's advisable to use alternatives like Ceph instead of NFS or deploy high availability NFS to prevent single points of failure.

1.1 Database Requirements⚓︎

Name Version Default char set Default char coding TLS/SSL
MySQL >= 5.7 utf8 utf8_general_ci
MariaDB >= 10.6 utf8mb3 utf8mb3_general_ci
Name Version Sentinel Cluster TLS/SSL
Redis >= 6.0

1.2 Server Requirement⚓︎

Service name IP Address port The components/services involved include: Minimize hardware configuration Standard hardware configuration
NFS - Core 2Core/8GB RAM/100G HDD 4Core/16GB RAM/1T SSD
MySQL 3306 Core 2Core/8GB RAM/90G HDD 4Core/16GB RAM/1T SSD
Redis 6379 Core, Koko, Lion 2Core/8GB RAM/90G HDD 4Core/16GB RAM/1T SSD
HAProxy 80,443,2222,33060,33061 All 2Core/4GB RAM/60G HDD 4Core/8GB RAM/60G SSD
JumpServer 01 80,2222,33060,33061 HAProxy 2Core/8GB RAM/60G HDD 4Core/8GB RAM/90G SSD
JumpServer 02 80,2222,33060,33061 HAProxy 2Core/8GB RAM/60G HDD 4Core/8GB RAM/90G SSD
JumpServer 03 80,2222,33060,33061 HAProxy 2Core/8GB RAM/60G HDD 4Core/8GB RAM/90G SSD
JumpServer 04 80,2222,33060,33061 HAProxy 2Core/8GB RAM/60G HDD 4Core/8GB RAM/90G SSD
MinIO 9000,9001 Core, KoKo, Lion 2Core/4GB RAM/100G HDD 4Core/8GB RAM/1T SSD
Elasticsearch 9200,9300 Core, KoKo 2Core/4GB RAM/100G HDD 4Core/8GB RAM/1T SSD

1.3 Components' health check⚓︎

2 Deployment Procedure⚓︎

  1. Deploy NFS

  2. Deploy MySQL

  3. Deploy Redis

  4. Deploy JumpServer node 01

  5. Deploy JumpServer node 02

  6. Deoloy JumpServer node 03

  7. Deploy JumpServer node 04

  8. Deploy HAProxy

  9. Deploy MinIO

  10. Deploy Elasticsearch