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Deploy JumpServer node 02⚓︎

1 Preparation⚓︎

1.1 Enviroment Information⚓︎

  • Information of JumpServer_Node_02 Server:

2 Configure NFS⚓︎

2.1 Install dependencies package of NFS⚓︎

yum -y install nfs-utils
showmount -e

2.2 Mount NFS Volume⚓︎

# Mount the persistence directory of core component to NFS, with the default path being /opt/jumpserver/core/data. Please modify as per the actual situation
# The relevant parameters defining JumpServer's persistent directory are designated as VOLUME_DIR, which will be prompted during the JumpServer installation process 
mkdir /opt/jumpserver/core/data
mount -t nfs /opt/jumpserver/core/data

2.3 Configure NFS shared directory for automatic mounting at boot⚓︎

# It can be written into /etc/fstab for automatic mounting upon reboot. Note: After setting this up, if NFS is damaged or unable to connect to the server, startup may fail
echo " /opt/jumpserver/core/data nfs defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab

3 Install JumpServer⚓︎

3.1 Download jumpserver-install package⚓︎

cd /opt
yum -y install wget
tar -xf jumpserver-installer-v3.10.5.tar.gz
cd jumpserver-installer-v3.10.5

3.2 Modify the temporary configuration file⚓︎

vi config-example.txt
# Modify the following options while keeping the others at their defaults. Please refrain from directly copying this content
### Attention: Ensure that the SECRET_KEY matches that of other JumpServer servers; otherwise, encrypted data will be unable to be decrypted.

# Installation and Configuration
### Take note of the persistent directory VOLUME_DIR. If a different directory is mounted via NFS above, it should also be updated here VOLUME_DIR=/data/jumpserver

# Core Configuration
### After startup, refrain from further modifications; otherwise, sensitive information such as passwords cannot be decrypted. Please avoid directly copying the string bellow
SECRET_KEY=kWQdmdCQKjaWlHYpPhkNQDkfaRulM6YnHctsHLlSPs8287o2kW    # Ensure consistency with others JumpServer(*)
BOOTSTRAP_TOKEN=KXOeyNgDeTdpeu9q                                 # Ensure consistency with others JumpServer(*)
LOG_LEVEL=ERROR                                                  # Log Level
SESSION_EXPIRE_AT_BROWSER_CLOSE=True                             # The session will be expired as browser closing

# MySQL Configuration


# Redis Configuration


# KoKo Lion Configuratoin
SHARE_ROOM_TYPE=redis                                            # KoKo Lion enable redis shared
REUSE_CONNECTION=False                                           # Koko Koko disable connection shared

3.3 Install JumpServer with script⚓︎

./ install

3.4 Start JumpServer Service⚓︎

./ start
Creating network "jms_net" with driver "bridge"
Creating jms_core      ... done
Creating jms_celery    ... done
Creating jms_lion      ... done
Creating jms_koko      ... done
Creating jms_magnus    ... done
Creating jms_web       ... done