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System Task⚓︎

1 Task List⚓︎

  • Clicking on Task List button at top of the page, then enter the page of task list.
  • The page displays all automated tasks, including account backup schedules, account pushing, checking asset connectivity, email sending automation tasks, and more.
  • Clicking on the name of an automated task takes you to its details page, where you can view task details, execution history, and other information.


1.2 Task Details⚓︎

  • Clicking on the name of an automated task takes you to its details page, where you can view detailed information about the task as well as its execution history.


1.3 Task Monitoring⚓︎

  • Clicking on Task Monitoring button at Task List page,then enter page of task monitoring.
  • The page is primarily used to view the status of JumpServer backend batch task.


  • Clicking on the task status at the top of the page allows you to view the logs of successful tasks or failed tasks.

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2 Regular Cleanup⚓︎

  • Clicking on Regular cleanup at top of the page,then enter page of regular cleanup.
  • The configuration on this page mainly controls the locally saved records. When recordings and logs are stored in external storage, they are not affected by the settings on this page.
  • Regular cleanup types include: login logs, task logs, operation logs, upload and download logs, and database records. You can configure the cleanup cycle to reduce the storage load on the server.


  • Detailed Parameter Description:
Parameters Description
Login Log (Day) The login log mainly records JumpServer user login information, including username, type, Agent, login IP address, login location, and login date
Tase Log (Day) The task log mainly records information about batch commands and other automated tasks
Operation Log (Day) The operation log mainly records users' actions, timestamps, resource types, and remote addresses during operations on assets
Download/Uplaod (Day) The upload and download log mainly records the operational logs left by users during FTP uploads and downloads
Session Log (Day) The session log primarily records the session logs generated by loggin assets through JumpServer, including video recordings and command records
Activity Log (Day) The retention time for resource activity log records
Cloud Sync (Day) The cloud sync log mainly records information about executing cloud synchronization tasks