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Function Setting⚓︎

1 Notice⚓︎

  • Clicking on the Notice button at the top of the page and switch to the notice settings page.
  • On this page, you can customize whether to enable the Notice feature and set the Notice Content to be displayed globally on the JumpServer page.


  • After enable the notice feature, the notice page will display as follows:


2 Ticket⚓︎

  • Clicking on the Ticket button at the top of the page and switch to the page of ticket settings page.
  • On this page, you can customize whether to enable the Ticket feature. Users can utilize the Ticket functionality to request resource authorization.


  • After enabling the work order feature, the work order page will appear as follows:


3 Task Center⚓︎

  • Clicking on Task Center button at the top of the page will take you to the page of task center settings .
  • On this page, you can customize whether to enable the Task Center feature. Additionally, you can configure the Task Center Command Blacklist Users can use the Task Center functionality to execute task operations.


4 Account Storage(X-Pack)⚓︎

note:Account storage is a feature exclusive to JumpServer Enterprise Edition.

4.1 Configuration Instructions⚓︎

  • Clicking on the Account Storage button at the top of the page will take you to the account storage settings page.
  • On this page, account keys support integration with HashiCorp Vault as a third-party key storage system. Users need to modify the VAULT_ENABLED parameter in the config.txt configuration file to True and then return to the page to proceed with the configuration.
