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Slack Authentication⚓︎

note:Slack authentication is a feature of JumpServere Enterprise Edition


  • Use the users with Slack as the JumpServer access user

1 Create Application⚓︎

  • Apply for Slack account using Google Mail;
  • Refer this link to create a Slack App that integrate to JumpServer []
  • Click Create New App

Create application 1 with Slack

  • Select From scrach to create new application.

Create application 2 with Slack

  • Enter the application name and workspace according to the prompts, then click on Create App to create the application.

Create application 3 with Slack

2 Add Previlege⚓︎

  • Find OAuth & Permissions in the application configuration interface to configure JumpServer related settings.

Slack application configuration

  • Switch to Redirect URLs,add the domain name of JumpServer below (domain name only supports HTTPS protocol).

Slack url Configuration

  • Switch to the menu Collaborators and add users to this application before they can login.

Slack adding user

  • Switch to the menu Oauth & Permissions, change the Scopes permission configuration, and add the chat:write permission.

Slack Permission Configuration

  • Scopes after adding permissions, clicking on Install to Workspace at the top of the menu。

Slack Install Application

3 View Credential⚓︎

  • Click Install to Workspace ,then display Bot User OAuth Token used by rebot.

Slack tonken acquired

  • Switch to menu Basic Information and find App Credentials

Slack secret

4 Congigure Authentication of Jumpserver Slack⚓︎

  • Fill the obtained Bot User OAuth TokenClient IDClient Secret into JumpServer to complete the configuration.

jumpserver configure slack