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LDAP Authentication⚓︎


  • LDAP support enables users from LDAP and Windows AD to login to JumpServer.

1 LDAP Configuration⚓︎

  • LDAP and LDAPS can be selected for configuration.
name explain
LDAP address ldap://serverurl:389
Binded DN
Password ********
Users' OU ou=jumpserver,dc=jumpserver,dc=org
Filter of User (cn=%(user)s)
Mapping of LADP Attribute {"username": "cn", "name": "sn", "email": "mail"}
Enable LDAP Authentication ☑️
name explain
LDAP Address ldaps://serverurl:636
Binded DN
Password ********
Users' OU ou=jumpserver,dc=jumpserver,dc=org
Filter of User (cn=%(user)s)
Mapping of LADP Attribute {"username": "cn", "name": "sn", "email": "mail"}
Enable LDAP Authentication ☑️
CA Certificate /opt/jumpserver/core/data/certs/ldap_ca.pem


  • For some LDAP such as,account password authentication needs to be enabled and Configure stunnel Agent

2 Option Description⚓︎

  • DN It must be with a complete DN, and OU cannot be skipped.
  • cn=admin,ou=aaa,dc=jumpserver,dc=org Or using format
  • User OU User OU can only write top-level OUs only not necessarily Write sub OU
  • ou=aaa,ou=bbb,ou=ccc,dc=jumpserver,dc=org,Can be written as ou=ccc,dc=jumpserver,dc=org
  • User Filter retrieves users based on rules from the User Organizational Unit(OU) and supports the "memberof" attribute.
  • (uid=%(user)s) or (sAMAccountName=%(user)s)
  • Mapping of LADP Attribute Option 'username' 'name' 'email' can not be modified and deleted.
  • {"username": "uid", "name": "sn", "email": "mail"}{"username": "sAMAccountName", "name": "cn", "email": "mail"}


  • What kind of filtering should be used for user filters? The LDAP attribute mapping field should be consistent with it. The filter should use UID, and the LDAP attribute mapping should also use UID.

3 Parameter Description⚓︎

  • LDAP partial functions be configured in jumpserver/config/config.txt
  • LDAP Parameter Description:
# LDAP/AD settings
# LDAP search page count
# Timed synchronization users
# Enable / Disable
# Synchronization interval (in hours) (priority)
# Crontab expression
# Only users in the user list are allowed to perform LDAP Server authentication when login as an LDAP user
# If the following information appears in the log during LDAP authentication, set the parameter to 0 (For details, please refer to:
# In order to perform this operation a successful bind must be completed on the connection