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User Group⚓︎

1 Function Description⚓︎

  • Click on User Management-User Group button, then enter the page of user group.
  • The page mainly focuses on user group, includes creation, deletion update and view of the user group。
  • User groups are used for grouping and managing users. When assigning asset permissions, you can authorize user groups, and a user can join multiple user groups.


2 Create User group⚓︎

  • Click on Create button in page of User Group,then enter the user group page.
  • Fill in the informations of user group and click on Submit button to finish create user group.


  • Detailed parameter description:
Parameter Description
Name Name of user group
User Add user to the user group

3 User Group import and export⚓︎

  • JumpServer support import to create new user group and export for existing user groups, with support for both xlsx and csv formats.
  • For initial import,you can click on the Import button to download a template and then fill the informations for data importing.


4 User Group details⚓︎

  • Click on User group name at page of User group list and then enter User group details page.
  • The user group details page includes information such as user group basic details, operation logs.


  • Detail Parameter Description:
Parameter Description
Basic information The basic information page displays detailed information about the user group, including its ID, name, number of users, creator, and other relevant details
Member The option allows you to add or remove members from the user group
operation log This option records the activity log of this user group, including creation time, creator, and other related information

5 Update user group⚓︎

  • For changes in user group information, you can update the user group information. Click the Update button next to the corresponding user group to enter the user information page. After making the changes, click the Submit button.


6 Clone user group⚓︎

  • Click on the More button next to the user group and select the Clone option and enter the user group creation page. After modifying the relevant information, submit the changes to apply.


7 Delete user group⚓︎

  • To delete a user group, you can click on the more button next to the respective user group, choose the Delete option, and then confirm the deletion to proceed.
