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Role List⚓︎

note:Custom Role is a function of JumpServer enterprise edition

1 Function Description⚓︎

  • In the JumpServer system, Roles can be categorized into system role and organizational role in JumpServer.
  • The default system roles include System Administrator, System Auditor, and User with System Components. Organizational roles consist of Organization Administrator, Organization Auditor, and Organization User. Default roles cannot be deleted or updated.

2 Create Role⚓︎

  • Click on Create button at top left of Role list page,then enter the page of role creation.
  • Both system role and organizational role can be created.

role_list01 role_list02

  • After successfully creating a role, you can access the details page of the newly created role and proceed to set permissions for that role.
  • As shown in the following figure the permission settings for the role. After updating the permissions according to the required settings, click the Update button to submit the changes.


3 Role import and export⚓︎

  • JumpServer support import to create new role and export for existing roles, with support for both xlsx and csv formats.
  • For initial import,you can click on the Import button to download a template and then fill the informations for importing.


4 Role details⚓︎

  • Click on Role name at page of Role list and then enter Role details page.
  • The role details page includes information such as role basic details, role permissions, authorized users, and operaton logs.


  • Detailed parameter description:
Parameter Description
Basic information The basic information page displays detailed information about the role, including its name, whether it's built-in, creator, and other relevant details
Permission This option is used to set the permissions for the current role, determining whether it can use the existing functionalities
Authorized user This page is used to associate roles with users, granting permissions to a user based on the assigned role
Operation log This page displays the operation log of current role

5 Role Update⚓︎

  • When there is a need to update information for the role, you can navigate to the Roles List page and click on the Update button and then updat the information of the role.


6 Role Clone⚓︎

  • Click on the More button next to the role and select the Clone option and enter the role creation page. After modifying the relevant information, submit the changes, and then update the role permissions to complete the cloning process.
  • All roles support cloning. After cloning, you can select the permissions for that role on the role details page.


7 Role deletion⚓︎

  • System default roles cannot be deleted, while the roles non-system-preseted can be deleted.
  • Click on Delete button at backend role and then the role deleted.
