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Connection type⚓︎

note:Connetction type control is a feature of JumpServer enterprise edition

1 Function description⚓︎

  • JumpServer supports select connection type at asset acessing.
  • By using connection filtering, you can control whether users can log in to assets using certain connection methods. Based on the rules you set, certain connection methods can be allowed while others are prohibited.

2 Create control rule of connection type⚓︎

  • Click on the Create button on the Permissions management - Connection type page, and fill in the information for the connection method control rules.


  • Detailed parameter description:
Parameter Description
Name Name of control rule of connection type
Priority The priority for connection method control rules ranges from 1 to 100, with a smaller numerical value indicating higher priority for rule matching. The default priority is set at 50
User A."All users":All users' resource;
B."Designated user":Designated users' resource;
C."Attribute filtering":Match target resources for attribute filtering based on attribute names
Connection type JumpServer provides various asset connection methods, including Web CLI, Web SFTP, SSH, Web GUI, database clients, and more
Action The action taken when a connection method control rule is matched
A."Deny":Deny the use of connection methods restricted by the rule