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Asset Authorization⚓︎

1 Function description⚓︎

  • Asset authorization rules are determined through three dimensions: which assets users can use to log in, which assets they can access with their accounts, and what level of permissions they have.
  • The three dimensions of asset authorization rulers are as following:
Index Dimension Description
1 User The user dimension mainly includes users and user groups (representing all users within that group)
2 Asset The asset dimension mainly includes assets, nodes (representing groups of assets under that node), and accounts (used to log in to assets)
3 Action The action dimension mainly includes connection permissions, upload and download permissions, and copy/paste permissions (only supported for SSH, RDP, and VNC protocols)

2 Create rulers of asset authorization⚓︎

  • Click on Create button in page of asset authorization,then enter to page of asset authorization.


  • Detailed Parameter Description:
Parameter Description
Name The name of authorization ruler
User User of JumpServer login,grant the user access or other permissions to assets
User group User group of JumpServer login,grant the user group access or other permissions to assets
Asset Authorized asset,assets the user needs to access
Node Authorized node, asset group the user needs to access
Account Account authorized accessing
A.All account:All accounts added to the asset are authorized;
B.Designate account:Manually enter the name of account that needs to be authorized;
C.Input manually:Authorized users to enter their own username and password when connecting;
D.Same Name Accounts: Authorize users to use an account with the same name as the user when connecting
Action Authorized Actions,what actions user can perform
note:Clipboard permission control is currently only supported for RDP/VNC protocol。
Start time The start time of this authorization rule is set to the time when the rule is created by default
Expired time The expiration time of this authorization ruler

3 Example of authorization⚓︎

3.1 Authorize a specific user for the asset only⚓︎

  • Select the User option in the User Module to choose the user that needs authorization. Set User Group option empty.
  • Choose the asset that requires login in the Asset Module under the Asset option. Leave the Node option empty, and select all accounts under the Account option.
  • The snapshot of authorization rule is shown below:


3.2 Authorize a asset to specific user group⚓︎

  • Select the User Group option in the User Module as the group that requires authorization, and leave the User option empty.
  • Choose the Asset option in the Asset Module for the assets that require access, leave the Node option empty, and select all accounts under the Account option.
  • Snapshot of user group is shown below:


  • Snapshot of authorization ruler is shown below:



  • When all options in the Authorization Rule module are empty, the rule will have no effect.
  • When any module option in the Authorization Rule module is empty, the rule will have no effect.
  • It cannot be used wildcard * for full matching in authorization rules.