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Account backup⚓︎

note:Account backup is an function of JumpServer enterprise edition

1 Functionality Description⚓︎

  • To avoid unforeseen factors that could lead to server anomalies, data corruption, loss of asset accounts, and other situations that disrupt normal operation, JumpServer supports an account backup feature. This feature allows for the backup of all asset accounts on JumpServer.
  • The backup strategy allows for the selection of real-time backup or scheduled backup.

2 Create task for account backup⚓︎

  • Click Create in Account backup page,create an task for account backup


  • Parameters description in detail:
Parameter Description
Name Task name of account backup
Type The type of account need to backup or can create backup task according account type
Mail Revciever The backup accounts will trigger an email notification to the specified user who are set to receive emails.
Scheduled Execution Configure whether the backup task is scheduled or manual. Backup tasks support scheduled execution or manual execution

3 Execution list⚓︎

  • Click switch to Account backup-Execution list sheet,This page is primarily used to view detailed information about account backup tasks, including execution logs and task details
